sticking posters in public places is a criminal offence which can land the offender in jail under two sections of Indian Penal Code (IPC).

Posters on walls and streets are not only unsightly but they also hinder citizens from living an environmentally sound life in their neighborhood. They damage public property and deface the shared spaces.

Sticking posters can land you in jail

Public display of commercial or political hoardings, banners and painting on the walls in non-designated areas of the city could invite a jail. The policy, however, will come into effect only after the government notifies it. Prior to this, the Urban Development Department will vet objections and suggestions from citizens over the next month. The ball is in the government’s court.


Prohibited outdoor advertising includes commercial hoardings, roof signage, dynamic electronic displays, animated signs, audio, balloon or air inflated signs and wall façades in public places. “Advertising, however, will be allowed in special areas such as pedestrian-only shopping streets or high-value landmark centres. Such exemptions will be evaluated, approved, and regulated by a review committee.

The new advertisement policy also mentions that temporary banners not exceeding a stipulated size may be permitted on non-residential, non- commercial private and public land in accordance to stipulated time periods. This, however, received objection from the members of the council, saying it would allow political parties among others to erect banners.
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